Senin, 10 Oktober 2016


October full of wedding invitation, entah kenapa para couple suka banget bikin wedding di akhir-akhir tahun, mungkin karena jauh dari musim hujan. So... di tgl 8 Oktober 2016, we (me and bf) got the wedding invitation from our dear friends in Discovery Hotel, Ancol.

Di sela-sela kesibukan kondangan yang membuat kita ga punya waktu ngedate, we visited museum ala Maddame Tussaud which called Alive Star in Ancol and also one place with 3D art in it called Alive Museum. This is my birthday present for my dear bf (though I was more excited to be there... :D). Beli voucher Groupon combo untuk 2 museum itu dengan HTM Rp. 130.000,-/orang

Those two museums located in 3rd Floor Ancol Beach City Mall. Pertama kali, kita masuk ke Alive Star, actually I was a bit scare with those statues because they look like real person and I was afraid they were moving like in horror movie haha...

First, I take pic with Michael Jackson...

Patung lilin Michael Jackson ini ga terlalu mirip sama aslinya, but it's still fun to take pic with. He's so legendary...

Then I was also taking pic with the King of Rock n Roll, Mr. Elvis Presley

This is my favorite part where I met Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth and husband also the very famous Prince and Duchess , at least walaupun aslinya cuma liat di tv dan internet, I have honored to be part of their family wax figures :P

Then I also meet Brad Pitt and that's how he met his new Angelina...

There are a lot more wax figures I can't mention but I love to share it with you guys

And look at my crazy bf talking to those statues :))

Setelah menjelajah Alive Star dan ketemu jalan keluar, akhirnya kita menuju satu lorong lagi menuju Alive Museum yang berisi 3D Trick Art. Agak kasar sih 3Dnya, ga terlalu keliatan real, but it's still fun.

Literally (DARK) Angel

Toilet Terbang (Pardon my flat face)

Abis dari ruang pertama menuju ruang kedua, kita harus melewati lorong gelap. Karena lorongnya gelap, sempit dan cuma kita berdua doank yang mau lewat, jadi agak parno. Udah masuk trus keluar lagi, nyalain senter sambil nungguin orang lain masuk juga biar ada temen haha...  Lorong gelap dan sempit itu mengantarkan kita ke ruang horor which is not too scary. Look at my bf doing his things :))

Hit those zombies
Falling to the hole

Run baby run

Finally head to the end of the tunnel to the red carpet with Korean star. Looks not real but posing cute won't be hurt 

That's all our little adventure in Alive Star and Alive Museum. Once again Happy birthday boyfie...
Hope you like the present :*

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