Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Twenty Three

I don't know bout you
but I'm (still) feeling 22

One more year has gone too fast, I'm still feeling like kiddo though. There's something about me that wanting to never grow up, maybe everyone feels the same (or just me?).
Twenty three years journey has not satisfied me enough but doesn't make me stop being grateful. I love my life, it's not the best but I have (almost) no regret. 

I feel thankful for all those wishes everyone gave me. It's awesome to have everyone give a little time to pray for me. I sent you all many many thanks. Maybe this is something I need, some motivations, the power to do more, to know that lots of people do care, even anybody who doesn't know me quite well on facebook.

I know I made so many mistake in purpose or not, I feel sorry and I'm not proud of it. At least in year 22 of my life I have graduated college, I have a real job, I keep in touch with best(est) fellas and make some new ones. Perhaps sometimes I don't appreciate all of you enough, but if you have time, just text me and I will be happy to text you back. 

I'm also really sorry for not saving money quite well, this year I don't share enough but I will do better next year. 

So then, once again thank you everybody who cares about me and any other people in my life. Thanks God I have you. I wish I find what I need, a better job, a better love, other best(est) friends, a better life. I have faith on myself that I can do everything I want. There are a lot more to do in year 23, a lot of things I haven't achieved. I hope this journey makes me a better person each and every day. XOXO

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