Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

365/365 - COUNTING DOWN TO 2018

2017 is not my best year so far, the year that I've realized that I'm not a kid anymore that I grow up too fast I'm scare that I'm not ready yet to face the future. I had some disease that I've never had before, but thankfully it's ok. Though, I still can't get myself to run some medical check up, I'm afraid that I have symptoms of this and that haa... I also got my iphone LCD broken just 1 or 2 months after I bought it and it was like a nightmare.

Yes I said that 2017 isn't my best year but it's an open gate to everything I planned :

1. I have my wedding to plan next year
2. I've got promotion and I will be a supervisor in January 2018 (I still believe in "loyalty to small things will lead to the bigger things") 
3. I've got my new apartment and the handover will be in the middle of 2018 
4. I make an investment and hopefully it will be a huge deal.

I worked a little harder in 2017 and hopefully I can get the feedback next year and years after. I totally enjoy my life now and next year will be a big year to me. So my resolutions will be :

1. Have a great wedding
2. Lose weight
3. Eat healthy
4. Do sports
5. Going places I've never been
6. Saving more money
7. Learn to cook
8. Be a good housewife
9. Appreciate people more
10. Take things seriously

So... 2018 please be nice :)

Sabtu, 06 Mei 2017


Just pass the cat tragedy in my house :'(

Weekend pagi,gw, nyokap n ade2 mau makan di TAKO SUKI, Puri Indah. Setelah kita semua bersiap, kita semua masuk mobil kecuali nyokap yang masih mau kunci pintu rumah dan gw bersiap nyetir. 

And it all began...
Coba starter mobil, bunyinya udah agak aneh, seperti ada dengung pelan, gw panik trus matiin mesin mobilnya. Trus kedua kali coba starter lagi, masih ada bunyi yang sama dengan dengungan. Gw coba sekali lagi matiin nyalain mobil dan bunyinya tambah kenceng tapi gw paksa mundurin mobil. Tapi karena dengungan tambah kenceng, gw stop dan matiin lagi. Nyokap dari luar mobil bilang "ada kucing kali", kita semua panik dan bingung harus gimana, selang beberapa detik benarlah ada suara kucing seperti nangis pelan gitu. Gw dan ade gw keluarlah dari mobil, tinggal ade gw yang kecil masih ada di dalam mobil.

Saat itu hari lagi ujan, kita bingung gimana karena udah nengok bawah mobil ga keliatan ada kucing dan prediksi kita itu kucing masih ada di dalam mesin mobil. Nyokap panggil tante tetangga 2 orang yang dateng dengan panik juga. Mereka anjurin buka kap mesin. Nyokap coba buka kap mesin dan karena cewe2 semua, antara ga ngerti itu kap mesin harus diganjel atau emang lagi buru2 jadi kap mesin ga diganjel dan tiba-tiba BAAAM ! Kap mesinnya jatoh kena kepala nyokap dan berdarah2.

HAIZZZ... Ade2 gw udah mulai nangis ngeliat darah nyokap ngucur terus. 
Akhirnya tante tetangga itu nganter nyokap sama ade2 gw, meninggalkan gw sendiri di rumah dengan kondisi kucing yang masih memprihatinkan dan meong2 terus.

U know, I am always afraid of cat because they like to jump around. Pagar rumah masih terbuka lebar, kunci mobil masih nyantol, gw cuma bisa staring to the outside, afraid to do anything. I cried a lot because I feel so guilty. Gw merasa bersalah nyalain mesin mobil meskipun ga tau ada kucing. I wish I can do something tapi gw sendiri ga ada keberanian. I know hurting cat is some kind of bad luck. So I started to say "Sori kucing, aku ga sengaja" Gw ngomong berkali2 dan berdoa semoga kucingnya ga kenapa2. 

Selang beberapa menit gw telp bokap yang masih kerja, dia malah marah2 kenapa kap mesin dibuka2 dan ga diganjel. Mungkin panik juga karena cewe2 semua di rumah.

Dan akhirnya gw terpikir panggil temen yang kos di deket rumah, His name is Rendy. Gw coba telp Rendy, "Ren, berani ngusir kucing ga? Ada kucing di mesin mobil gw" some kind of that. Ga lama Rendy pun dateng. Gw masih nangis2 dengan panik tapi ga berani keluar. Dari dalem rumah gw bilang sama Rendy itu kucingnya kejepit dalam mesin mobil, dia pun denger sendiri kucingnya meong2 kesakitan.

Rendy mulai gebrak2 mobilnya berharap kucingnya keluar sendiri, tapi ga bisa2, dia berkali2 nengok ke bawah mobil tapi masih ga tau letak kucingnya dimana. Then dia buka kap mesin juga. Gw ud wanti2 hati2 Ren diganjel dulu biar ga jatoh tutup kapnya. Udah coba ketok2 mesinnya dan coba2 sodok2 pake kayu gitu tapi ga ada sosok kucing. Gw cuma bisa ngintip, ga berani keluar. Takut lihat kucingnya kenapa2. Akhirnya Rendy bilang, "ada nih kucingnya kejepit, ga bisa keluar". Gw makin takut tu kucing kenapa2. Trus Rendy tanya, kalo mobilnya dimajuin dikit gimana "Gw bilang ga bisa ren. Takut gw" Lalu Rendy starter mobil lagi. Makin kenceng dah tangisan tu kucing. Rendy juga panik dan matiin mobil lagi. Haizz

Gw bilang sama Rendy dengan nada miris "Ren, kalau ga berani gpp Ren. Nanti gw coba panggil orang". Tapi si Rendy masih coba2 terus dan akhirnya kucingnya makin ke bawah.

Nyokap pulang dan dapet 2 jahitan. Syukur deh ga ada yang serius. 

Rendy masih coba2 ketok2 mesin mobil pelan2 sampai akhirnya kucingnya keluar dalam keadaan pincang. Gw terus terang ga tega liat kucingnya jadi gw ga liat. Gw takut bayangan kucing itu jadi menghantui gw teruss. Gw merasa bersalah banget sama itu kucing. Ga ada keberanian juga ngobatin tu kucing. Cuma dalam hati gw terus berdoa semoga kucing itu cepet sembuh dan ga kenapa2. Semoga ada orang baik yang mau obatin kucingnya. Sori kucing, gw ga sengaja. I wish you well.
Jangan bandel2 masuk mesin mobil lagi.

Thank you Rendy juga, hero of the day !!!  

Selasa, 15 November 2016


Recently I really enjoy netflix-ing, from one movie to another, from one tv series to another. Lately I've been watching REIGN, tv series about Scotland and France Kingdom. I personally love the life of the royal, everything about King, Queen, Princes, and Princesses are so adorable and magnificent.

I love the British accent in the series, it makes them so graceful, everything that speak out from their mouth is very thoughtful and careful. To show their anger but in elegant way without make them look threatened. To choose the right words as a strategy to conquer other people, to hide the sadness not to make them look weak in front of people. I adore how they solve their problem with dignity. I might be a little jealous to see that they can speak and thinking fast. I adore their braveness, when people talking bad in front of my face, there were always war in my head about what I should response, I might be just shut my mouth, neither because I am noble-ish or kind, it is only because I don't really care about what people say...

The issue in REIGN is also about love story about the Scotland Queen and France Prince, who always put their countries first. The Queen might sacrifice her love for her country. She's the one that makes love more complicated, but interesting. This tricky and mutual romance makes this series unpredictable and makes me can't stop watching it. 

Jumat, 11 November 2016

Be sane in the world full of crap

In this point of my life I am feeling like I don't fit in with the world. It's like I should go to the other side of the world where I should live my life or do I need to build my own world ?

I was thinking I was one of the brightest, one that conquer the universe but all I think now the others were just darker than me. I used to think I was strong but the others were just too weak. And right now in the other dimension of time, I am just dust.

I tried to make things right but it get worse, everything I do are wrong and people just taking pity of me like I am stupid. I am not stupid, I am just not into details. I just care about making money, I don't think it is necessary to have great status so everyone will down on my knees, I really don't care about that. I just need the quiet life without deep thinking of tomorrow.

Cursing is one of my new favorite. Whenever I can't talk to people about what I feel, I just curse. I know it's just silly but I don't think God's mind, well I don't know if God's mind. May be it's just my way to be patient, to curse in my brain, not yelling like a crazy person.

Lately it's just harder to be sane in the world full of crap. I keep thinking what I should do to make things right, I don't wanna be slave for another slave herself but I do my best to be paid now before every hard work paid me back someday. I'd rather be just good girl outside and devil in mind, because I don't quit easily, I plan everything to be fall into places and I'm still waiting for that moment... 


Senin, 10 Oktober 2016


October full of wedding invitation, entah kenapa para couple suka banget bikin wedding di akhir-akhir tahun, mungkin karena jauh dari musim hujan. So... di tgl 8 Oktober 2016, we (me and bf) got the wedding invitation from our dear friends in Discovery Hotel, Ancol.

Di sela-sela kesibukan kondangan yang membuat kita ga punya waktu ngedate, we visited museum ala Maddame Tussaud which called Alive Star in Ancol and also one place with 3D art in it called Alive Museum. This is my birthday present for my dear bf (though I was more excited to be there... :D). Beli voucher Groupon combo untuk 2 museum itu dengan HTM Rp. 130.000,-/orang